Download global shape file with country and continent

Download Free Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Oceania, Central America, South America North America ArcGIS Shapefile Map Layers. ESRI ArcGIS (Arc - GIS) shapefiles are the industry standard and work with most all GIS programs including ESRI ArcView, ArcExplorer, ArcGIS, and Maptitude, Mapinfo, Manifold, Mapwindow, Mapguide and other free.  · I'm looking for a shapefile that contains all the gadm level 3 (possibly level 2 would suffice too) for all African countries. I could theoretically, download all the shapefiles from Global Administrative Areas and combine them into one masterfile (that would be another question). However, I was wondering if such a shapefile already exists. In this section, you can download for FREE, ESRI format Shapefiles (*.shp) from all the world countries in WGS84 Datum. Shapefile with the countries of the world (in English) Archivo comprimido MB. Descarga. WORLD RIVERS. World Rivers.

This web site will allow you to download the boundaries and layers of different countries, in Arc/INFO export format. USGS EarthExplorer Find digital datasets of both imagery and GIS databases from this site. Select data by coordinates, place name or interactively through the map. Mapping the World at Night A look at nighttime global mapping. Country boundaries from the DIVA-GIS project website. Dated as , so will exclude any name changes / new countries since then. The boundary quality is fairly coarse. Download Free Asia Continent ArcGIS Shapefile Map Layers--Free GIS Maps ArcGIS Shapefiles--Download Free World ArcGIS ShapefilesAsia Buildings (MB zip file). Asia Natural Features (MB zip file). Asia Places (MB zip file). Asia Points of Interest (MB zip file). Asia Railways (MB zip file). Asia Roads (MB zip file). Asia Waterways (MB zip file).

However, you can quote the shape as a single (when you download the shape and unzip, please read the file "README") World Shapefiles (*.shp) - Geografía, SIG y Cartografía Digital EFRAINMAPS Efraín Porto Tapiquén Geografía, SIG y Cartografía Digital. I'm looking for a shapefile that contains all the gadm level 3 (possibly level 2 would suffice too) for all African countries. I could theoretically, download all the shapefiles from Global Administrative Areas and combine them into one masterfile (that would be another question). However, I was wondering if such a shapefile already exists. Download Free Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Oceania, Central America, South America North America ArcGIS Shapefile Map Layers. ESRI ArcGIS (Arc - GIS) shapefiles are the industry standard and work with most all GIS programs including ESRI ArcView, ArcExplorer, ArcGIS, and Maptitude, Mapinfo, Manifold, Mapwindow, Mapguide and other free.


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